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Measurement units in use

Cloudbase units m
Pressure units mb
Rain units mm
Temperature units °C
Wind units km/h
Wind run units km

Helguera De Reocin

Latest infos

Last update: 27/07/2024 3:30:01

Last error date: ------



System status at 03:30:01

Pc uptime 45 days 9 hours
Cumulus uptime 2 hours 35 minutes
Disk space 72,3 GB free of 111,79 GB
Memory status 1519/3987 MB (free/total)
Allocated to Cumulus 66,50 MB

System configuration

Windows version Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
O/S Language Spanish
Processor type Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N2830 @ 2.16GHz
Nb of core 2
Video mode 1920x1080, 32 bit










Station status

Station name Helguera De Reocin
Station type Davis Vantage Pro2 Cabled
Online since 25 diciembre 2012
Console error O
Communication error O
Batter status 4,60v TX Battery Status: 1-ok 2-ok 3-ok 4-ok 5-ok 6-ok 7-ok 8-ok

NOAA Reports

Last monthly report

Last annual report


Low temperature O
High temperature O
Temperature increase O
Temperature decrease O
Low pressure O
High pressure O
Pressure increase O
Pressure decrease O
High rain today O
High rainfall rate O
High wind gust O
High wind speed O

O Record temperature

Highest Temperature O
Lowest Temperature O
Highest Minimum O
Lowest Maximum O
Highest Apparent Temperature O
Lowest Apparent Temperature O
Highest Heat Index O
Highest Dew Point O
Lowest Dew Point O
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature O
Largest Daily Range O
Smallest Daily Range O

Other records

Highest Pressure O
Lowest Pressure O
Highest Wind Gust O
Highest Wind Speed Average O
Highest Daily Wind Run O
Highest Humidity O
Lowest Humidity O
Highest Rain Rate O
Highest Hourly Rainfall O
Highest Daily Rainfall O
Highest Monthly Rainfall O
Longest Wet Period O
Longest Dry Period O

Page updated: 27/07/2024 3:30:01
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1087)